Monday, May 7, 2012

babies, batteries and. . .

The sweetest granddaughter on the planet came to visit Saturday. I love that child! My youngest daughter doesn't feel the same way. The significant other was a bit abrupt with her as well. I don't understand. The youngest girl doesn't like childen, has sworn to never have any and claims they are stupid. I say "Whatever. Don't have children if you don't want children." The significant other, however, just irritated me by being grumpy with her. I realize I can't do anything about them though and I love that grandchild so much. She will visit as often as I can have her and those other two can suck it. That would be how I feel today. Ha!

Batteries...mine died. Grrr... My car is 8 years old. I've owned it for 7 of those. It's completely paid for so I don't gripe. Much. When I attempted to start it last night after stopping at Dairy Queen, nothing. We push started it by popping the clutch and today it's deader than dead.

Three calls, one trip to W.almart, a haphazard attempt to remove the thing without proper tools and I'm ready to stop for today. The significant other practically bit my head off when I said it needed to wait. Again with the grrrr... I love that man. He is one of the sweetest, kindest men I know. That said, when he gets antsy, he can be a bit...overbearing. God bless him. I had to disconnect for a bit so came here to get it all down for now.

English 101 in an hour. The chosen topic for my research paper is The G.reen Mar.ket. Food is a class issue. Who can afford all the "gre.en" products coming on the market? Not me, that's for sure. It will be an interesting subject for the next week or so. I'm looking forward to it.

The sun is out and I must stop at the bank branch on campus so I'm out for now.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today I got the results from my first algebra test in more than 32 years. When I left the classroom last Thursday, I thought it had seemed too easy. Today I learned there was a reason it seemed easy. I had no clue what I was doing. I knew when I began this back to school thing, I would have up days and down days mixed in with all the run of the mill, ordinary ones. Today I just wanted to cry. So, I did. A bit anyway.

When I woke up this morning I had a song in my head by the group American called Tin Man. The lyric in my head was "And Oz never did give nuthin' to the Tin Man, that he didn't, didn't already have." I don't know where that song came from but one thing led to another and I ended up listening to the song Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked all the way to school. And back. And now while I'm writing. And in a few moments when I start doing homework.

The words of this song touch my heart in ways I can't explain. It's like whoever wrote the song knew that at this point in history, in my life, I would need these lyrics to keep me going. They feel like my anthem. "I'm through accepting limits because someone says they're so."

So, as sad and overwhelmed as I feel right now, onward and upward we go. I'm going to keep trying to defy gravity and get through this school work even if it keeps trying to proverbially kill me.
