Saturday, June 30, 2012

muggy day thoughts

Tonight as I sit here on my couch, I'm thinking of how much I used to love blogging. Every night, after dinner, I would trek downstairs to my office and write. At the very least, I would read all the blog entries from my blog friends and see how they were all doing. My now ex husband used to get so pissy about going downstairs into the office each evening. I am convinced that's how I stayed with him for so long. He was a clingy so and so and it was a difficult thing for me.

I still find myself thinking about blogging quite often but never seem to make myself sit down and do it. This evening, my sweet man is resting, my two, still at home daughters are otherwise occupied and I'm waiting for the Olympic trials to start so here I am.

I have finished my first quarter of college. I earned an A in English 101 (not just an A either, but the highest grade in my class A) and a B+ in Algebra. Not bad, but disappointing to me anyway. I wanted all A's dammit. My second quarter begins in two days. I will be taking English 102 online, Psychology and Yoga. In the summer. The quarter lasts 8 weeks and I'm anxious to get on with it. The financial aid that will show up on Monday is a good thing too. What the hell is up with me? My unemployment ran out right after I started school. So here I am with considerably less money than I thought I'd have and it's tight. I can't seem to get anyone to hire me and I am clueless about what to do honestly. I keep telling myself it will all work out because that's what happens. Things work out. But I have been feeling very discouraged and unsure of myself.

Once I have my nursing degree, I know I'll have a job. It's the getting there that is a struggle right now. I'm just at the beginning of this journey and I'm not getting any younger. It's also not helpful at the moment that my wonderful, sweet man is worried about money and in pain so he's grumpy and I just want it to be quiet but have grumbling going on around me. Adds to my stress level. Sigh...


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